Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Soul Vision

In a recent blog post at Jots Beyond the Margin, Traci asked us to write from an image. Images can be powerful writing prompts.

So when my friend and classmate Beth* introduced me to SoulCollage® as both an art medium, a meditation, and a window into intuition, I was intrigued. In art of SoulCollage, you create a series of cards based on images that speak to you. Eventually they form a deck of cards with specific suites and meanings. The meanings sort themselves out along the way.
I looked at Beth's cards fascinated by the depth of the layers and the beauty of the images she put together. Along with fascination, came the wandering thoughts that I couldn't ever make something that looked that amazing. I hugged those thoughts and came home with an odd assortment of images and a stack of special Soulcollage card stock. They sat on the kitchen table for three weeks, and last weekend I decided it was time to jumped in.

Once I started making the collages, I was ordering more cards and putting a request out on free cycle for old calendar, magazines, and (I cry a little when I type this) coffee table books. I'm not clear on the meaning behind any of my cards yet, and I seem to have a fascination with blue herons and putting natural objects together with man-made ones.

Pick one and ponder. What does it say to you? What happens when you create your own? (Yes, there's tons more information at

*Thank you Beth for the introduction and Olivia for the brilliant idea to use these as writing prompts..

P.S. My response to Traci's latest picture prompt challenge can be viewed at the Writersvibe.

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