It's the first day of 2012. Resolution is a dirty word in my world. Making a Santa sized list of all the things I want to do in the next year is like asking to be on the naughty list. I might as well go buy the lump of coal and bronze it for the mantel. Tomorrow it will still be a lump of coal.

This year, like last year I set an intention. ONE intention. Last night I realized I was successful at my one intention. I created more time for the things that I love..writing, playing, gardening, traveling, resting, reading.
Was it perfect? Yes!
Did I laugh, cry, scream, and dance? Yes!
Did I do enough? Yes!
Will I create more time for love this year? Yes!
If you are feeling disappointed by what you didn't get done last year, light a candle, send it away on a star, and allow yourself a little grace. Pick one "R" or intention for this year, and let it grow. Notice what falls and what flies.
When you stand at a threshold
Only sky falls before you
A leap is necessary
Love the wings that hold you
Don't be
afraid to fly
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